A Little Something Extra

So... after all of that.. something else happened... Guess what! No, you won't be able to.. There's this guy..
Let me back up a little. Backstory:
I started going to Berean Baptist Church at the very end of my Freshman year at SBU. I had church hopped for the majority of that year, and finally fell in love with Berean, where I finally felt at home. There was this guy there that was completely out of my league and there was no way he could ever like a girl like me... a music major with no life... we'll stop the comparisons there. ^.^
Anywho, I just went on with life, kind of liking him (that middle school crush thing happening all over again.. in college.. =P) but not doing anything about it.. unattainable. Impossible. Never gonna happen. 
A year later.. end of Sophomore year (totally over guys and poor choices and all of that). Still kind of like him. Kind of think that maybe he might like me? Maaaaaaybe??? 
Flash forward again.. after summer break. Our Sunday school class goes to the lake to hang out. We don't swim. We are the only ones who don't swim. We weren't planning on it, so we couldn't.. Yeah. So we are the two on the beach talking about anything and everything because everyone else is in the lake. Goodness. We talk about health and wellness.. go figure. My family's business is now that.. we talk about oils and glass bottles because guess what? He has one. Something to talk about! Praise God! ;) Man oh man... my friends do not cease to tease me about this and the fact that he obviously loves me. Clearly. We talked for a couple of hours and now he's in love. I very much doubt that. 
Well, again, I go on with life, denying that I may still like him a little. And I mean completely denying it. (We all know I did. I very much did like him. Maybe a little more subconsciously cause I was not paying much attention.) 
Well next thing you know, we're talking more and more at church... I am making sure I have that seat next to him in Sunday school. Dead sure. 
Then he starts coming to my concerts! Oh my word, goodness! HUGE step! (In the right direction, I might add.) Still denying I like him, by the way. Well, maybe letting on a little.. I mean he did come to concerts and things that I was in and no one else was, or we knew he was not there for the other friends. Haha. 
Then he briefly met my parents and one of said concerts. Oh and we texted over Thanksgiving break... O.o
Then he finally asked me out. And boy did we have a LONG date. It was wonderful! We went to Oseyos which is this AMAZING Japanese restaurant in town (literally one of my favorites), and then to Springfield for his sister's concert. (It was 2 hours, so that was part of the length of the date.) Then there was this winterfest that was basically a bunch of art of different kinds and it was super cool! Homemade ornaments, journals, jewelry, pottery, things of that nature. AWESOME. We went out to eat with his family, and then back to winterfest for a vocal jazz concert!!!! Ahhhh!!! Happiness. It was fantastic. And then we had to get Andy's.
The next day was another concert and he asked my to be his girlfriend. 
and I said no.. (gotta play hard to get)...
JUST KIDDING. OF COURSE I SAID YES. I was not about to let this awesome man slip out my life.

Well now we have been together for almost five months! It feels like so much longer though. And I do love him dearly:) We had a wonderful Valentine's Day (both our first) and made pottery and had Mediterranean food! Best ever.

We don't always have time or money for dates, but we try at least once a month at this point. :) And we just witnessed the marriage of his brother Caleb and wife Jonnah last weekend. So beautiful. And I must say... this boy had better wear dress clothes more... cause he looked good. ;)

In all of this, I have learned to rely on God, because when we completely entrust Him with everything, that is when everything goes perfectly according to His plan.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28


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